Monday, September 3, 2012

Just do it

Biggest reason I love LA so much is the people. LA people are just so REmarkABLE (haha). But really, I am really grateful to have befriended every single person. I enjoyed LA because I had them there with me.

With that said, I figured I need to go out and make more friends. I went on meetup and joined a few groups. Tonight marked my first step of moving forward and toughing it out. It wasn't quite a glamorous success, but it's something.

It was at a local sushi restaurant (sushi nine). Apparently it's pretty popular among nc state college students since its close by and it's buy one get one free every day for sushi (or they call it BOGO). Why can't they just cut the price in half if they have the deal everyday? When I first walked in, most people there were all older except the main guy who organized the event. He was probably in his late 20's and he was considered young in that group. One of the ladies has a 22 year old daughter. THAT'S HOW OLD I AM!!! Good thing a guy my age (Also from LA too!) and a recent vet school graduate came in soon after! They were really easy to talk to because they both talk a lot at the same time they listen too, but it's still a lot of work. I just dread having to start from nothing again. WHY MUST IT BE SO MUCH WORK?! sigh

Next event would be the department beach trip this upcoming weekend. The beach is 3 hour away. I've never been this far away from the ocean my entire life. Oh, what is this craziness call Raleigh?

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