Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's only week 2

The walk home from the bus stop (uphill all the way)...
I can't quite pin point why I don't like Raleigh. At the same time I couldn't come up with reasons for me to like the place. When Jenn asked me to list five things I like about Raleigh. I honestly could not think of anything. ZERO.
Maybe I am just overwhelmed with school. I wake up at 6 in the morning to get to school for my 8:30 class. By the end of the day I am just so exhausted both physically and mentally. Even grocery shopping wears me out. I miss being able to stop by Trader Joe's on my walk home from campus and knowing exactly where the things I want are located in the store. I miss walking in westwood on a thursday night and hearing musics blasting from apartments. I miss bella pita. I miss the comfort of familiarity.

Even my backpack think this whole grad school thing is too much to handle!

1 comment:

  1. hey, it's NEVER easy to transition to a new place. it takes a long time to let a new city grow on you, but one thing i learned from my experiences in new cities is that you really have to take advantage of all that it has to offer. get involved with yelp (and yelp events!). they help a lot :)
