Friday, August 24, 2012

It's me, J Lo.

I've always enjoy reading people's blog. You learn so many things about the person you normally would not have the chance to notice. I tried blogging a few times before, but I never stick with it because I could never piece words together as eloquently as I would like. (please bear with me) So when Eliza told me that I should start a blog, I was a bit nervous. BUT I gave in once I read the part about taking as many picture of myself as I would like! Don't you guys worry, it's not just going to be pictures of me. I need to find my personal photographer first! ;)

Anyways, here is my first post documenting my grad student life in NCSU!

Somehow, first always seem so important in ones life. First kiss, first day of class, first car, first job... Aren't seconds just as important as the first ones? Every single moment should be treasured. Every blog entry is just as important (unimportant) as this one. Hence I am not going to make a great deal that this is the first entry. The main reason though is that I have to go get ready... Apparently party starts at 7 and ends at 11 here.... #WhenInRaleigh

So until next time!

Love and miss you all


  1. everything is in chinese. but i am just making educated guesses trying to follow and comment you. so far, so good.

    congrats on the first post :)

    i knew this was a good idea!

    1. oops
      I am not sure why it was in Chinese... Changed it!
      so much pressure...I hope I don't disappoint you...
